Memories of Aquareion

I have some memories and felt-sense awareness of Aquareion, enough to keep me anchored in its frequency. It gives me some spiritual context for how things can be different in Creation.

From Sliders 8 (3/5), August 2010.
The factual and educational usage of this excerpt from The Freedom Teachings™ is protected under Fair Use Copyright Law for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and scholarly reporting.

The following are some of the things which feel like “home” to me and which I’ve never truly moved on from, no matter how much I’ve adapted to the ways of this Matrix.

The first thing I remember about Aquareion is that there was no “universe” as we know it, with planets and galaxies floating about in a vacuum of space.

Instead, there was a “Luminescent Living Mist” filling up all of the “space.”

Even though Aquareion seems to have a blue hue to it, I’ve often perceived the Mist as pastel green, with a “warmth” contained in it. Green Warmth.

The Mist was all-pervasive, in every direction. Misty endlessness. It did not feel isolating but rather very existentially cozy. Loneliness didn’t exist, because the Mist was living too, along with you.

The Mist was alive. It was consciousness that served as the substrate through which Beings travelled, explored, and created.

Visually, the Luminescent Living Mist is reminiscent of the King’s Cross Afterlife in Harry Potter. But living, and a lot cozier.

Native Humans love the Sun, and great big open sunny skies.

I do not…

While I respect the Sun as a Consciousness Being, as a Human in Density 1 with skin that feels temperature and eyeballs that can get blinded, I hate sunnyness. For the most part, I can’t stand sunny days, or at least not a long streak of sunny days.

The only time I enjoy the Sun is when it’s cold out — then the warmth is appreciated. But still, I’d prefer it to be partly cloudy … or even majorly cloudy.

Chilly and cloudy with a some passing sunbeams, that’s the way I like my weather.

It took me remembering a different Universe to realize that it’s just one of my quirks from being a Spiritual Foreigner.

In the Living Mist, light is evenly distributed throughout all spacetime coordinates or throughout all particles, however you’d describe it. It’s neither hot nor blinding, like it often is here.

Furthermore, weather such as clouds, mist, and fog make me feel so NORMAL. It’s profound how much better I feel in that type of weather.

That’s because vast open spaces — like blue skies or flat planes of land — make me feel extremely exposed in my aura, in a way that’s unnatural.

The natural state of my aura is very open and porous. Perhaps I need to do better on sealing it, yet I think some of this is simply a natural function of my Magnetic nature.

But moreover, in a Pure World like Aquareion, you’re always contained by the cozy safety of the Living Mist. So not only can your field “relax with a sigh” and remain open, but what it’s interfacing with is so wholesome and comfortable, so there’s no reason to seal up. That would be atypical or unnatural over there.

And if you meet another Being, who also has an open field, it’s natural for your fields to graze and blend a little, to better know each other. Like an auric hug. (And if you’re intimate Beings, your fields completely blend in ecstasy. This is what “sex” is, above the Density 1 level of being an Incarnate.)

Furthermore, since all the Beings in a place like Aquareion are pure and don’t have ulterior motives and other psychotic issues, you don’t feel the need to seal your energy, or hide yourself, or safeguard yourself in any way. There is no apprehension or defensiveness. This natural state is still visible over here in children (when they’re not born with tons of past life trauma) and certain free-spirited Humans.

For similar reasons as concerning weather and how it mimics the natural spatial environment of Aquareion, I’m very sensitive to physical spaces and environments in this life.

Being in a physical space that is safe, comfortable, and forged from good-quality material is extremely important to me. The nature of my field is to be open and intimate with the environment I’m in, and that environment needs to be worthwhile for my field to be feeling and immersed in. There’s nothing worse than being in a bad or dirty environment, and feeling that in your field.

Due to the entropy in this Matrix, decay and dilapidation can easily take over a physical environment, leaving it in a very eerie and disgusting energetic state.

Yet also, due to the state of economic entropy and cost-cutting, many physical environments and buildings just don’t feel good even when they’re new and modern — especially in America where things are big and cheap with little courtesy for æsthetics. (AKA all Masculine and no Feminine.)

Cinder blocks are one of the worst building materials I’ve had the displeasure of immersing my field in. Etherically, they are so dead and block out any sense of life force. On the La Jolla coast in San Diego, I remember there being a house built right on the street looking over the ocean … made of cinder blocks. Clearly it was about having the view outside the window, but not having quality inside the walls. That house would make me feel so dead and barren in my energy.

An old cathedral overrun with vines feels a trillion times better than a modern gas station or even a modern McMansion house. Notice how old buildings are made of natural materials, like stone, and therefore they feel good even when they might be old or imperfect.

St Dunstan in the East Church Garden, London, 2019

As for the Station of Identity I remember operating from in Aquareion, I feel I lived at the Soul level, not as an Incarnate.

I’m not sure if this was universal for everyone, or just the level of consciousness I was actualized at and experiencing from. But I remember floating through the Luminescent Living Mist as a Soul, or like an orb of light-consciousness.

One of my blindspots is operating unconsciously from an “Aquareion state of mind,” and then being caught off guard when the things around me in this Matrix don’t quite conform to that.

Expecting honesty, but getting dishonesty…

Expecting sincerity, but getting duplicity…

Expecting trust, but being betrayed…

Expecting purity, but getting impurity… Especially with “the ones who are in power” or performing certain roles. And then unexpected things, like my own Body having imbalances that affected my wellbeing and perceptions.

Overall, I’ve recognized this unconscious expectation for things to “be normal,” only to be rudely re-re-re-awakened at how abnormal things are here.

When my health was unwell and unable to endure hardship, these rude re-awakenings would trigger me into wild states of shock and anger. Unconsciously I thought I was safe and secure, but then something would happen that my Awareness wasn’t expecting and which my Body just physically couldn’t handle the existence of. Being subjected to abnormal spiritual corruptions while in an innocent state is extremely disorienting and un-expected, and even traumatizing if the corruption really comes after us.

These experiences developed into the “Ultimate Innocent” Shadow Persona which I’ve had to work through and heal, learning to see things As They Are without a fuss, rather than as pure as I wish they were and fighting against them to be better. This is the shadow that made me overly trust people I would’ve been wiser to avoid.

This all shows how “Manifestation” doesn’t always work over here: people can be in an innocent state, but have anti-innocent behaviors and ideologies wielded at them. But they don’t actually “manifest” that; someone else just chose to behave that way due to their own manifestations.

Innocence does not manifest its own abuse. In Aquareion, you could go down a dark alley, or into a spiritual community, and be utterly safe in your Innocence, because no one in the whole Veca has deviated from their own Innocence.

Over here you walk down a dark alley, or go into a spiritual community, and you’re at risk of being targeted, pickpocketed, or raped. Not because your Innocence has done anything wrong, but because others have forsaken their Innocence and make a life out of doing wrong.

Wounding and pain is something unconscious and incidental, which hurt people and require mending. But consciously choosing to be/do/behave a certain way is where a person starts to corrode their consciousness and go toward the path of Evil: a way of life which actively and consciously violates others, especially the Innocent who’ve done nothing to manifest anti-Innocence.

Another unconscious thing I’ve had to contend with is still expecting people to be telepathic… But then I wonder why I’m never understood! I have to remind myself to communicate verbally and not let things go unsaid. I’m a Magnetic Man who can usually read the energetics but this is not innate to everyone, so I have to will myself out of Silence and into Speech, for the sake of communication. I tend to write at such length because I’m quite tired of being misunderstood.

The Living Mist is a great experience, but sometimes a Soul wants to have a little fun and live a little inside of a density experience too.

For experiential living, it felt like I could “dive down into” densification, and from there embody into an Incarnate. With intention, we crafted the reality and lifetime around our orb of consciousness, using the substrate of the Living Mist.

The big difference compared to here on Earth, is that in Aquareion one retains consciousness awareness between the two levels, Soul and Incarnate. There was no “amnesia” between the Stations of Identity, which is an artificial situation here on Earth.

But another way I remember densification, instead of diving into an Incarnation, is with floating around in the Mist, and then using intention to mold it into form, or to extrude form out of it. In this way, the Mist became “etheric forms.”

Imagine if physical objects on Earth had a distinct, misty, etheric quality to them, where they were solid but also “fuzzy around the edges.” That’s what it was like.

And of course, these forms were living too. They weren’t dead matter. If a form or construct or building or any thing was left along for a long time … it would just keep on living. Maybe its interaction with the Mist would even cause it to sprout new things, similar to vines taking over an old building. But it wouldn’t truly decay into dilapidation.

I’m not really sure if “Mist Materialization” and “Incarnation” are two different things or part of the same experience. But it did seem like I could remain at the Soul awareness while working with the Mist.

Whenever Beings did incarnate, or simply densify the Mist into realities, it enabled other Beings to witness and partake in the densification.

Experiencing things was still a significant aspect of consciousness, and for that, there must be places and objects and some element of time. In this way, Beings in Aquareion still had experiences and cultivated accretion.

The difference compared to here on Earth is that our consciousness wasn’t “locked” into any of the incarnation or densification, nor did we lose our awareness while exploring and experiencing. We retained awareness of our different levels of consciousness, even while immersed in lower levels of consciousness and creation, and could seemingly exit them at will.

In this Matrix, the way I’ve always felt is that the Materialization abilities of this universe are “offline.” Materializing things out of “thin air” is normal, but over here it’s not working!

More accurately, I believe the situation is that our DNA is so mangled that its Materialization functions are offline. The mechanics of this Matrix seem to still work, especially for non-physical Beings who can still materialize whatever they want.

An epiphany to consider the implications of, is how Materialization and Manifestation are two different things. Materialization is what’s natural, but it’s offline. So we’re left with … Manifesting. There are whole paradigms and product categories built around “Manifesting” in the New Age.

Unfortunately, down here, in Density, with mangled DNA, we’re left to our own devices, to forge forms out of matter with our own labors. I call this being an “atom pusher.” Whereas “paper pusher” is a bureaucratic term of ridicule, down here in Density, we’re left to pushing around atoms and making things out of them. We’re basically still primitive cavemen, making things out of atoms.

Only then, once something has been fabricated, can people ~manifest~ through Magnetism, Intentions, etc.

Honestly, it’s a poor replacement for what we’re missing. The lack of functional Materialization has been profoundly frustrating for me. In Aquareion I could craft magnificent things like castles and whole landscapes, while over here I’d have to “work hard” and “make a lot of money” to achieve the same thing. It’s nonsense.

I don’t have any “hard work” left in me. Returning to my Magnetic nature has helped me ~manifest~ with more ease and delight, but still, there’s something missing.

No, there is no “money” in Aquareion. This is not surprising.

But certain things which money represents or plugs into over here, still exist over there.

For example, there certainly exist currencies of energy which Beings can interact with and invoke.

And while there is no payment for entropic tit-for-tat “services” or “work,” there is still the materialization of beautiful items of value, which may then be offered as gifts.

Value and currency can still be shared for the pure experience of it. But there is no existential fear or survivalism at all, because people’s existence is sourced from God Currents, not finite economic currents.

Although I don’t really know what this Matrix/Veca/Universe/Sector-of-Creation was like before its Fall or before I arrived, I have a sense that it is actually set up differently from Aquareion. Maybe this is due to being at different levels in the Stairsteps of Creation, or maybe it’s because there are different templates which can be utilized in Creation.

In Aquareion there’s just the Endless Living Mist, within which one can incarnate and densify. But over here, there’s Space. Is Space even a natural phenomenon? I don’t know.

But Space is completely incompatible with Incarnation! So instead, there are Planetary Bodies or ‘Domains’ whereupon Incarnation occurs — such as Earth, or Mars back in the day.

These Domains serve as Density 1 biospheres within the expanse of Space. Thus we are interdependent (or even codependent) with the Domain: our Density 1 Human Bodies really don’t function well when getting too far away from the Domain and require things like spacesuits to even attempt that.

“After reuniting with God, my life seems to have reached the realm of meeting my Soul Family, and personally for me, this feels like I’ve “made it” in terms of relationships. I believe this is the level of relationship that I was most accustomed to in Aquareion. This was my Family before Blood ever entered the mix, and these are the people I feel most at-home with. This doesn’t mean I don’t have other levels of relationship in my life, but it does mean I’ve aligned to my own natural level of relationship.”

If I was floating around at the Soul Station of Identity in Aquareion, then the other Souls whom I was most comfortable with were naturally the Souls of my Oversoul Family.

“And yet when I met God again, I realized it was a very old feeling I had in me when I was a child, and which everyone lives-with in Aquareion. It’s natural to always be “plugged in” to God; there is no separation or disconnection. Only in this Matrix and other rogue realms can disconnection or forgottenness occur.”

Feeling disconnected from God is a profoundly unnatural state and sensation.

In Aquareion (or any unFallen, in-tact, natural sector of Creation), a Being is always at-one with God, at all levels of their Being. And when you’re so profoundly at-one with God that you can’t even fathom what it’s like to be “separate” from God, there isn’t really the word or even concept of God. There’s just what’s normal. There’s just normal consciousness and normal awareness, where God is always a part of the same picture as Self and as Creation.

In Aquareion, communion with God is innate.

“In An Aquareion Perspective I touched on how out of place I feel here, how I don’t fit in and don’t always connect with people. It’s hard being in a strange sector of the Cosmos with so little connection. It’s lonely. I have deep connections to God and Aquareion, but being a Human can be lonely. I’m thankful for the handful of deep friendships I have with people who, overall, “get me” and can hold space for me.”

Loneliness doesn’t exist in Aquareion, only solitude.

You’re either with fellow Souls whom you actually get along with.

Or you’re in solitude with the Living Mist.

And you’re always in-touch with God.

Feeling utterly disconnected, separated, or disjointed is extremely unnatural, and simply a byproduct of how messed up and topsy-turvy and chaotic things are here in this Matrix.

“LIFE is the way of life. You think Beings in Aquareion are techniquing themselves to death? No, they’re LIVING. I sense they basically have no need for techniques, because there’s basically no deviation from Divine Design. They don’t even need to study Creation, because they’re living it.”

An obsession with Techniques was a major component of the KS Religion.

While there is merit in performing techniques in service to self-rehabilitation and keeping oneself ‘clean’ from the ‘debris’ of a ‘Dead Density 1’ realm, techniques are not a way of life unless you truly have a calling to be a KS monk.

But most people just want to live. And that’s because Life is the “mode of consciousness” in a normal sector of Creation.

Techniques are useful for course-correcting the little distortions that exist while here in-density, but it’s not worth obsessing over them at the expense of life. That’s actually being anti-Life. (Religion is so ironic and self-defeating.)

“In Aquareion, I don’t think “contrary paths” exist. You can’t deviate so far that you feel dead in life and then have to claw your way back to wholeness. You can’t get your ego lost in entropic patterns. You can’t really have an existential crisis. It just doesn’t occur. Everything remains syntropic, and therefore buoyant and wholesome and “positive.”

“In a Pure World, spirituality is purely about following the destiny laid out by your Higher Self and accreting things along the way.

“A bit like Pac-Man, eating the next experience and embodying the “points” granted from it. In a Pure World, Pac-Man doesn’t have subconscious traumas and past lives and anatomical distortions to work through before he can glide to the next part of his path. It’s only here in this Matrix that our Joyous Path can be impinged by a Contrary Path.

“But still, we can confront and integrate the contrary things and get ourselves back on a path of relative Joy.

“This is what I’ve been working toward in my own spirituality. La joie de vivre. It’s been hard achieving this, and there are still elements I must work through, but I always knew this is what “spirituality is about.” Joyous, fulfilling, wholesome accretion. Even in this wayward Matrix, it’s still possible to experience a semblance of a pure life.”

There’s a delusion pervasive in the New Age, which has even seeped into Krystic Spirituality: the notion that “darkness” or “negativity” is “necessary” for growth/consciousness/life.

It is not necessary.

It’s only in a Matrix like Procyak where polarization is so extreme and Fallenness a common thing, that entropic states of experience exist to be experienced. Even things like Shona Dead Light, I don’t think that exists in Aquareion.

In Aquareion, a Being simply materializes whatever experience they want to have. And maybe they might want to have a “dark” experience — but I don’t think things like death, murder, trauma, abuse, etc are ever really materialized. These things are so antithetical to a Pure World or to Natural Creation, that not only do they not exist in Aquareion, Beings don’t intend for them to exist in their materializations and experientializations either.

My memory of Aquareion is something I hold close to my Heart and Soul.

As I perceive more things, I’ll expand this article. I thought my memories and felt-sense of Aquareion was actually quite limited, consisting just of the Mist, but then as I wrote the other articles, deeper nuances came to mind.