Earth, a Refuge

As my health normalizes, my mind clarifies and my heart calms, allowing deeper nuances of my life to come to the surface of my awareness.

I find myself sitting here, on this planet, relaxing amidst the rustle of the autumn leaves, anchoring into a forgotten stillness, having lost my way in this world … only to find it again and again and again.

Looking up at the stars, like I used to do when I was a boy. During times when I felt jubilant in my Soul. During times when I was depressed and wanted to be dead. The same starscape. The stars were there for me like twinkling friends, never leaving me alone in my solitude, and always celebrating with my Soul.

Handheld iPhone 15 Pro Astrophotography, October 2024

Over the years I got so lost up in the clouds, my feet barely standing on the ground. All the time I’ve been on Earth in this lifetime, I’ve barely been here. I was often semi-disembodied, one daydream or rumination away from losing touch with reality around me. Because in my body lived the pain of many lifetimes whose suffering I thought I could escape with death. But no. Death is not the end. People who fear it cannot fathom their foolishness.

So, still haunted by what I died to, unconsciously in my naïvité, I thought I could escape these pains in the wonder of my imagination. But still they haunted me as fears, discomforts , and illnesses which ravaged me physically, thereby making it impossible to ignore them.

I This I Am was tethered to this body, and this body to this planet.

Although this realm has been riddled with hells, evils, and demons — some of which I’ve encountered, even right inside the KS Swamp — this realm has been offering me something much more, something I had been blind to and was failing to recognize the whole time.


A refuge.

A place to heal.

In this lifetime anyway, Earth has served as place where my Soul could have a Body that could finally feel all of the torment of its lifetimes. A place to release pain instead of accrue more while suppressing the former. Past lifetimes were living traumas, but this one is the purging of those traumas.

How funny that Earth, a planet riddled with so many problems, has proven a sanctuary for my Soul. A solace I didn’t even appreciate until some days ago when I suddenly realized that everything my fear was running from, no longer exists around me; everything that caused my pains, are no longer hurting me; everything that discomforts me, I can be free from — if only I’ll let it go.

In the past I’ve been very cynical of this planet and its society. Everything seeming outdated by eons, lacking advancements I once knew ages ago, working backwards like it had never known forwards. Not just technology, but some of the consciousness as well.

There are many people with bright souls, hearts, and minds, who are like the twinkling stars of this civilization. They have dotted the starscape of my life.

But there are many black holes walking around too. And I’m not talking about those whose wounds darken their light, like my own wounds have. I speak of those who traded chunks of their Soul for voids they’ll never fill.

I was cynical of the sundry negativities I witnessed in this world by black holes and wounded people alike, the pain inside me hyperfocusing on it and letting it get to me. It took me quite a while to figure out just how Free I am from all those external negativities — a Freedom I rediscovered only by working through what I wasn’t free from inside myself. All those lifetimes, the orphans of my Soul. Unfinished business that you just can’t die yourself out of.

Now I sit here amidst the sunny rustle of the leaves, abiding in the frequencies of a “New Earth” if ever there was one. Peace. Harmony. Beauty. It’s all right here, right now, with me. And not some artificial phantom realm, like certain killjoys in the KS Swamp would assert, but legit, real, living, existing Christic frequencies in the hologram outside of me.

So often, the hologram outside of me has been of a higher frequency than I was abiding at in myself. Too often I projected my unfinished pains onto the outer hologram. But as things heal and clear, I see how the external hologram has held me in my suffering, allowing me to work through it until I could buoy up into a better state on my own.

After many lifetimes of turmoil, I find myself lucky. To be granted such peace, so far away from home. My cynicism used to think I wouldn’t find any Christic peace in this world, yet here it is.

The KS view of this world is one of doom and spacedust. Personally, I don’t know the fate of this world and don’t pretend to. KS is not my religion nor my dogma, and I have not bought into its every claim, unlike certain religious adherents. So I don’t automatically regurgitate its dictums either.

Regardless, consciousness is often about the journey, not the destination — and whatever the destination, the overall journey of Earth currently stands in such peace and splendor, when one knows where to find it, both within as much as without. The external hologram is just reflecting a higher choice I had to make in myself — and all the little falling, warring, destructing holograms of war and murder and evil haven’t been able to overrule that overarching peace, as much as they try. There is a much larger hologram than which many New Agers or Krystic Doomers are tuning into. It’s been available to me when I work through my inner issues and am able to open myself up to it. I’ve had to choose to open myself up to it, instead of opening up to negatives and densities and stupidities that just weigh me down like the old lifetimes.

Maybe this planet doesn’t have a future forever, but it has a Now, and large swaths of this Now offer a higher frequency than it offered years and decades and centuries ago — and that’s good enough for the journeys of our Souls.

We can still grow here.

We can still heal here.

We can still live, even here.

This life of mine began with an anchor of such Innocence and Awe and Wonder. In a way, I was born as a little boy looking up at the stars.

But I got bogged down by all the negativity that had remained inside of me — all the trauma and their triggers and their unfinished timelines that remanifested outside of me.

I had to get through that first. This phase of my life, which began seven years ago with the Eclipse and Particle Conversion of 2017, is completing it purpose and coming to a close.

A time of extreme healing is transitioning into a time to wondrous living. Still a bit rocky, yet out of the main turbulence. Now feeling clearer, I remember my roots. I return to my roots of Innocence and Awe and Wonder. These are the main sparks of Kryst which meant the most to me. These are what keep me grounded while my head roamed the clouds.

In this state, another Procyak Past Life popped into mind, from several years ago. This soul retrieval occurred the day before my birthday and left me feeling reborn on the day of my Sol return.

I thought I had found myself then … but I’d lose myself again in the years since.

But only to find myself, again and again and again — a blessing which Earth has offered me.

Chasm by Tony Anderson: the song I listened to on repeat to facilitate this soul retrieval. I had also made a playlist that helped me work through all of these frequencies.

The name of this diary entry from 2018:

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) — About Fallen EirA Aliens with a hive-mind queen who uses plasma weapons.
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) — About Fallen EirA Aliens with a hive-mind queen who uses plasma weapons.