
My name is Timothy.

Etymologically, “timo theos” means Honor God.

That theme has supported me throughout my lifetime. In many ways, even during my wayward years as an atheist, God — and God’s Nature of Innocence — was the only thing I ultimately care about.

Everything else is just the folly of Creation.

My consciousness “grew up” in Aquareion, so this website Aquareion POV is an expression of my unique perspective on the affairs of this world. I remember aspects of Aquareion, and my consciousness came here to this Universe called Procyak as a Tour of Duty. So did many others — some of whom remember themselves, others of whom have lost themselves, in The False Teachings and elsewhere.

Here in Procyak, I have learned … I’ve been hurt … I’ve healed … I’ve grown. But this is not my world. So my perspective of this world is that of an outsider. I have found pockets of beauty and connections of resonance, but much of this world is very strange to me. I’m in it but definitely not of it, and have found much healing and strength in refusing to conform to it.

On this website I’ve shared the stories of several past lives I remember, both to honor what my Soul has been through in this world, and to honor what Consciousness in general goes through in this world. It’s not always pretty.

This lifetime is likely my best lifetime, for it is one of healing myself back to wholeness and remembering the totality of what-and-who I Am. A wise student of KS once pointed out that I’m experiencing my “Bud Lifetime,” which I envision as like the hub lifetime that takes responsibility for all of the other lifetimes, as if they are branches not leading away from me but returning to back home to me.

One of my higher-consciousness goals was to experience these lifetimes, learn from them, endure the traumas, and then ultimately heal from them — to prove that one can always heal from harm and return to Innocence. The loss of Innocence might be inevitable in this realm, but it is not something eternal. Innocence is eternal and outlasts our pain.

Keylontic Science was an awesome discovery in my life. Tiny hints of it began finding me in 2019, until I finally discovered the bulk of the content (which has been intentionally and diabolically obfuscated for over a decade) in late 2021.

With exquisite technical insight, KS has explained numerous metaphysical phenomena which I’ve encountered, experienced, or intuited. Its technical data is more than my brain could ever store and remember. I find an odd beauty in my inability to remember most of it. I just bask in the frequencies and let the teachings activate me, in whatever way is relevant for my consciousness.

The more I’ve acquainted with KS, and the communities focused on KS, the more I’ve had to swallow the bitter pill of realizing that KS — as presented specifically through The Freedom Teachings from 1997~2012 — is not really made for me. It’s made for the Natives of Procyak and all that they’ve gone through.

For example, I do not care about the Races — nor the KS Racism of obsessing over one’s Race like it means anything. It doesn’t mean much at all. No person is their Race. We are the unique expression of our Innocence, or lack thereof.

Similarly most of the Esoteric History that has gone down here is not relevant to me. My past lives span back maybe half a millennium max on Earth, and only few on some other planets.

What I care about in KS is the awe and wonder of the insights and activations.

And I care about the Consciousness which remembers its own beauty and nobility, and which always strives to return to Innocence, no matter the trials it has endured. These are the people I resonate with and have found joy and solace with.

I am a hermit who energetically cannot sustain huge amounts of social energy and do not open up to many people. My writing is how I open up. But if there’s something you’re inspired to share with me, I can be reached at aquareionpov at gmail dot com