Overcoming Astrological Influence

Someday this may turn into a really big article, as KS does have an approach for overcoming the effects of astrological imprinting and influence. But I haven’t fully figured out or mastered that right now.

Yet the coercive effects of Astrology still bothered me.

During my chaotic days where my life was super out of alignment with my Soul and it was just my Ego-Personality having the rug pulled out from underneath it, I felt very vulnerable to the whims of Astrology. It was no coincidence that I developed car problems during Mercury Retrograde, for example. Mercury Retrogrades in particular were super noticeable and negatively impactful when I wasn’t living from my core self.

But as I healed and began operating more from my Higher Self, I noticed I became more impervious to external influences, including Astrology. This is because I was living more on my own timeline, instead of participating in the Collective Timeline which is highly influenced by and even based upon Solar System Astrology. Living in my own timeline meant my life was being ‘energetically funded’ by my Soul instead of pulling energy from the world, thereby creating a buffer of sorts against the influences of the world. I was swimming in my own lane, which helped me not get caught up in the currents of the ocean of this society and solar system.

Once I was checking in on an astrology/horoscope app that seemed weirdly “on point.” It’s “accuracy” irked me, so I observed it. As I kept analyzing it, I began recognizing what it felt like when it was “on point.”

Sometimes it wasn’t on point at all, and there was no feeling. But typically when it was noticeably on point, it was a strange feeling. Not exactly positive, wholesome, or Soul-sourcing.

There was one defining moment that taught me a lot: the horoscope said I would reach out to someone that day.

And during the day, I did indeed feel a compulsion to reach out to someone … but it was a very strange compulsion. Upon reflection, I realized it was founded in fear and anxiety and a need to seek approval or feel validated.

Coming from a hurt, wounded, broken, or distorted place in ourselves is never wise. Taking action from a wounded place often leads to messed up outcomes with even more wounds. (Take it from me … or test the waters at your own peril.)

So, I just didn’t do anything. The only thing I ‘did’ was reflect inward and feel into the source of anxiety leading to such a compulsion. I did not act on the compulsion to reach out. I decided to let the “prophesy” play out without my participation.

And within that same day, the compulsion faded away, and the prophesy of the horoscope went unfulfilled. I had “defused” this “alignment.”

What this showed me is how much Astrology preys upon our wounds, confusions, ignorances, distortions, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, ignorance, etc. The only times it can really plug into us is when we aren’t really self-whole and instead plugging into the things of this world.

Arcane philosophies think the other planets are gods that we ought to bow to in order to gain the best outcomes in our life, but this is such profound spiritual ignorance. It completely lacks clarity around True God, and lacks clarity about the power of True God — and just our own Higher Self — operating through us.

I short-circuited astrological influence by simply turning toward my own consciousness, and essentially turning to God. That way, only true impulses could flow through me into my field, rather than external energetics prey on my weak spots and energize false impulses.

By operating from an inward-out approach instead of an outward-in approach, I became more impervious to the random influences of this world, both physical and metaphysical.

By refusing to be subjected to a wounded compulsion in my own consciousness, I short-circuited being subjected to an outer influence manipulating that wound.

The secret to being in this world but not of it, is to operate from an inward-out approach — by anchoring into the core of your own consciousness and expressing into the world, instead of letting the world mold you into its own image.

Sovereign Beings be what they are no matter what circumstances they find themselves in.