In Earth, a Refuge I wrote the following:
Now I sit here amidst the sunny rustle of the leaves, abiding in the frequencies of a “New Earth” if ever there was one. Peace. Harmony. Beauty. It’s all right here, right now, with me. … So often, the hologram outside of me has been of a higher frequency than I was abiding at in myself [which helped soothe my inner frequency via osmosis]. … After many lifetimes of turmoil, I find myself lucky. To be granted such peace, so far away from home. My cynicism used to think I wouldn’t find any Christic peace in this world, yet here it is.
While writing that, I had hesitated to use the term “New Earth.”
Because I’ve been burned by the artificiality of the New Age like anyone else, and furthermore I had a toxic voice in the back of my head, leftover from my time in the KS Swamp, which I could hear poo-pooing such things as “positivity” or “peace” or “New Earth.”
Then I was skimming the transcript for 12 Tribes 2 and came upon the following on page 8:
The New Earth, or Ascension Earth, is actually a field that has the imprint of this Earth and part of an imprint of what is called Urtha. Urtha is a much larger star into which this smaller falling star from Tara had been put in as a host shield. Our planet literally sits in the middle of a larger star planet called Urtha. We don’t see Urtha when we go out into space because it’s at a different ARPS than we are. …the Urtha people are activating the slide zones that wil allow us to be able to learn to move back and forth between here, not get caught in the Hibernation Zones that are part of here that we don’t see either, and be able to go past those and into a field where we’re going to be able to see a reality field that is emerging, that they refer to simply as the New Earth, but it is the… they said to imagine Earth in the future, after all the battles were done, and it was healing. It was a place where the remaining races would come to heal, and it’s a place that is going to be for about two million years a place where the regenesis of the races, the Kristiac races that are able to get out of here, and also out of other systems in this fallen Veca system. So, we are in the process… we are the Earth team, the ground team down here, that has the ability to hold open the frequencies that wil allow the slide zone portals to open. So they are the first step to getting to Urtha.
This makes me wonder if the peace I continually tune into is simply … legitimately … New Earth.
The “Aurora” term is not one I have intrinsic gnosis of, so I’ll have to continue to study and accrete to determine if it’s relevant to me. I’m not automatically adopting it just because “KS says.”
But maybe this whole time I’ve been a contributing anchor for “Aurora New Earth-Urtha Field” without consciously knowing it. Maybe many people have been while unaware of it.
It might explain why I’ve been repeatedly guided to focus on the peace and splendor of my own personal life and timeline, with little regard for the craziness of the Collective, and with vehement disregard for the corruptions of the KS Cult. People can go get themselves caught up in either of those realms if they want, but I’m here for something better — and it seems I’m here to anchor it for those who want something better too.
In some ways, an old goal of mine has been to clear my own field and calm my own head so that my aura could simply radiate this frequency of peace in the presence of others, and let it have whatever effect it has, hopefully inspiring them toward their own peace. Not “hosting” — a concept I have some issue with and have to further consider. But just holding a frequency which others can choose to harmonize to and cultivate in themselves if they like it.
My previous posts about Happiness and Freedom suddenly have more context for me. I have a desire, and perhaps a duty, to hold steadfast to this frequency and its potency. And to not undermine it by getting sucked into the lesser things, which has been a risk for me due to my own inner densities to heal and work through.
Maybe I’m here not just to help people learn about Aquareion, but also Urtha, or at least the Aurora bridge in between.
I’ve always had confidence that there’s an “exit strategy” for the Innocent Souls here, in case the world and its agents wreck everything. I wouldn’t have come to this Veca if there weren’t ‘hope’ for the majority of people. From what I’m understanding now, Urtha/Aurora is part of that strategy.
In the Maharic Shield, going to the core of Urtha instead of Earth feels really good. Like a vacation to someplace nice.
On one hand I do perceive it as a different planetary body that’s much larger, and more akin to what someone might describe as “paradise.” On the other hand, it’s essentially the same frequency as I feel outside my window or listening to the leaves. It’s not far away at all.
Maybe I’m just “projecting Aurora” onto the hologram around me and “making things better than they are,” but I’m not so sure of that. Many times the external hologram has felt like it was at higher frequency than my own state — especially in spots of undisturbed nature, but also other areas like small towns or historic zones. (In contrast, I have definitely experienced many “ugly areas” that don’t feel good at all, like gas stations or whatnot, so dense and distorted places clearly exist and I can feel them.) I do think this Aurora New Earth frequency exists outside of me.
But I don’t fully know; I don’t have much cognizance of this “Aurora” business yet.
Reading that excerpt shows me the power of authentically Living Life from a place of Sincere Innocence. My own inner goodness or path or destiny or whatever aligned me to this better world, with no need for “techniques” or “teachers.” I aligned to this better world even in spite of my own personal issues. You can choose to align your field and attention to it too, or to something else.
But when we truly commit to our Innocence, our Innocence will calibrate the compass of our Intuition to get us to the shores of peace, safety, and harmony. Prioritizing Innocence is the most fundamental component of my personal spirituality, and it is what I’ve been doing for a decade before coming across KS.
I would recommend Innocence before ever recommending KS.
Urtha is about Innocence, not KS.
Dealing with Old Earth
If your own life or timeline is messy, chaotic, or traumatic, it’s either possibly because of being destabilized from the projections of your own un-integrated trauma, beliefs, and blindspots (been there done that); or because you’re plugged into and tethered to someone else’s timeline, like that of a company, a culture, or of another person whose hologram is overflowing with their own issues (been there done that).
The best thing you can do for yourself is #1) take command of your own hologram and what it shows you about yourself and #2) increasingly distance yourself from discordant timelines in ways that your inner self inspires you to follow through with.
If you objectively cannot perform #2 (or are stuck in a victim state making you believe you “can’t”), then option #3 is to muster the Spiritual Discipline to engage with the discordant timelines and energy from an extremely Sovereign state in yourself. To walk into the fire instead of run away from it.
And if you’re stuck in victimhood, then that might be the training you need: to become empowered in an entropic circumstance, rather than just running away from it, and rather than obsessing over inner work so as to hide inside yourself. (If you’re letting any excuse prevent you from departing what you dislike or changing your perspective of it, that would seem to indicate being stuck in victimhood, disowning your own power, and abdicating your Sovereignty. Meanwhile if you just try to run away from externals without integrating your own holographic internals, you’ll never escape anything. Your destination will be haunted by your past.)
Prioritizing Sovereignty instead of fleeing or hiding can be very healing and empowering in its own right. While it may not alter or overwrite a discordant timeline, it can allow you the ability to “walk through fire untouched.”
Somewhere in the FT it’s mentioned that when you cultivate a certain level of yourself, you can maneuver through the world untouched. I forget where I heard it and what precisely it was stating, but it’s possibly my most favorite concept of the whole FT.
But that’s the gist of it: be Neo, and The Matrix can’t get you or trick you or disturb you, no matter how much it tries. Remain utterly true to yourself without giving up an ounce of power, and entropic timelines, attitudes, and locations may have no choice but to conform around you and cater to you, or at least leave you alone because they can’t touch you.
Within the first nine months of the Plandemic, I flew across the country, bought an SUV, and drove cross-country three times, all the while stopping at gas stations and grocery stores, and most of the time not with a mask. The Matrix felt intimidating, by design — but it was not impossible to be Sovereign amidst it.
For more inspiration of the power of Innocent Sovereignty, the movie A Hidden Life depicts an Austrian man who never bent the knee to Hitler’s timeline. That’s the power of Sovereignty: someone can kill you, and still not possess you nor get what they want from you.
Are you capable of mustering that degree of courage in far-less deadly timelines and situations?
As for Old Earth and its various matrices of control and illusion, of course it’s going through its trials and tribulations. The Ukraine–Russia War. The Israel–Arab War. The immigrant invasion of the United Kingdom. The Woke Psychosis of America and the West. Climate turbulence that ruins lives and homes. Et cetera.
If you’re truly in such an environment, then set ~spirituality~ aside and do the most important thing you can do for yourself: hold onto your Innocence and don’t give it up for anything.
It’s clear that the Book of Revelations is attempting to play out in real-time.
But I take some issue with the Doom & Gloomers, even amongst KS, who talk about those events like they’re inevitable dead-ends none of us can get away from. It’s clear there are agents and agendas pushing Control Timelines and Death Timelines, but I’ve also observed how they don’t fully play out. They may play out over a large population or a large area, for a period of time to some degree, but they’re not total in their gains or effect.
In fact, the infamous WHO-backed, WEF-backed, totalitarian One World Order that has been desperately trying to come into power, seems to be falling apart under its own entropy, leaving behind a “multipolar” world, where many countries and regions having self-autonomy, instead of being conquered by one controlling body.
Thank God and good riddance.
There are forces attempting to implement Revelations and everything else, but they’re also failing to some degree.
Simultaneously, my own life — and honestly the lives of many people in semi-rural areas — is abundant with peace (as long as I have a grasp on my own personal hologram).
It’s the major cities which are the most hijacked and distorted, of course along with certain pockets of rural areas which are super regressed and deleterious to higher consciousness.
But ultimately, if you can’t be a Sovereign in a sordid place and walk through its fire, then you need to relocate.
If you “can’t” relocate, then you better be in the middle of a disaster, or else maybe you’re playing a victim. Or, maybe it’s not your right timing and you’re forcing things before they’re ready and you need to check in with your Higher Self. Or whatever.
If you truly don’t know “where to begin” or “what to do” to ditch an entropic timeline-location and settle into a better one, then be a spiritual person and invoke your own power before figuring out anything else: make the inner choice-commitment-intention for Peace, Joy, and Wellness, and rest in that commitment with inner conviction. Then watch out for paths that open up in the external hologram to help you manifest that.
Whatever you do, start with your Innocence.
And if you can’t do anything else, then safeguard your Innocence.
A New York Way of Life
Although cities are often a spiritual mess, even that reality is not absolute or always ‘negative’.
If you need training in minding your own timeline in the midst of a larger energetics, I’d recommend going to New York City for a unique spiritual experience. The last time I was there, it was a spiritual experience that really awakened me to energetic hygiene and sovereignty.
Particularly in Manhattan, where everyone is walking around with their energy field contained tightly around their person. The timelines of individual people are much “slimmer” and noticeable in Manhattan, because no one’s interested in plugging into everyone else’s timeline while just walking down Broadway. People keep to themselves, opening up their field only when they consciously intend to.
Focus on the average everyday New Yorker. Forget The Spiritual People™ who are too often in a daze of cognitive bypassing, or projecting their own un-integrated illusions, or opening their chakras up to entities and whatever else. Stop “looking for spirituality” and instead observe the people who are naturals in their own environment — people who have cultivated a natural spirituality for engaging with that environment’s reality.
The most striking memory I have is driving down a side street onto Fifth Ave, and even though the light had just turned green for me, a person or two walked in front of me as if they had an eternal pedestrian green light beckoning them forward. They weren’t going to stop for anything. They were hyper-focused on their own timeline to the point of ignoring cars in other timelines, and therefore I had to be super aware in my own timeline to avoid running their timeline over.
I could’ve bitched and moaned about how wrong that person was for not “following the rules” or not being considerate or whatever. But instead I knew it was an activation into navigating my own hologram and timeline, without tethering myself to — or against — the discord of external timelines and holograms.
And notice the nuance: opposing another timeline is also tethering to it, or at least cementing one’s own belief about it. “Resistance is persistence.” I had to just watch it play out while remaining Sovereign in myself.
If I wanted to walk through fire, I had to be okay with taking five seconds to not drive forward and not yet advance my own timeline. (*Divine Timing enters the chat.*)
And, of course, when I was walking those streets, sometimes I drew my field in tight like everyone else and just walked ahead, where other cars had to wait on me.
New York literally taught me it’s okay to do that sometimes. To not let me timeline stop for a red light, when quantum reality is capable of morphing around me to enable me to keep going.
Meanwhile when I arrived to Central Park and got a gyro from a street vendor, the vendor was super friendly, and some people in the Park would acknowledge me or smile or interact. People were more open where it was appropriate/relevant/spacious to be more open.
Many spiritual people are stuck in that empath mode of wanting to open up to everything and let everything into them; sometimes I’ve been that way too.
But to navigate the spectrum of Old Earth and acclimatize to New Earth, sometimes you’re going to have to give up on the “Oneness” nonsense (which even Speaker 2 spoke against) and make a choice about what you’ll expose yourself to or not, participate in or not.
Do you choose Old Earth or New Earth? Stop being ~One~ to all of it and get real with yourself.
The better question: can you attune to New Earth wherever you are and carry it inside you, or do you have various parts of yourself getting stuck and tethered to Old Earth that you “can’t” get out of, or can’t escape inside yourself?
If you’re not in one of the warring hotspots or climate disaster zones, what’s your excuse for abdicating your Power, Freedom, and Happiness?
It’s worth thinking about that seriously. Because even in those war zones and disasters, some people are able to muster inner spiritual peace and wholeness and discipline inside themselves and not cave to the chaos of the externals. (I’m not blaming a person who cannot do this in such an extreme and horrific environment. I just acknowledge that it’s not impossible.)
No one “needs” to endure hardship to “get stronger.” (That’s a Luciferian trap.) But whatever unpleasant circumstances you might find yourself in right now, are the hardship that’s there to show you what you’re capable of.
The opportunity is to wake up to wake up to a higher potentiality, learn from whatever is meant for you in that circumstance, and internally determine how to re-empower yourself within its midst.
People in New Earth — and people in Urtha — walk in Innocence. Sleep in Innocence. Speak in Innocence. Live in Innocence.
Stop with the excuses.
Even stop with focusing on reality.
And start with your Innocence.
I write this to remind myself when I re-read my own articles as much as to encourage everyone else.
If the only place you can tune into New Earth is inside the deep core of yourself, then that is good enough. Start there.
The peace I prioritize in my life is meant for many more people than just me. I wish all the people I came across were living in Earthly Innocence too.
But a person has to choose it, and commit to it, and move toward it, or they’re just a byproduct of the Matrix. Even if the external hologram is in a high state surrounding you, it won’t do much good until you choose to harmonize to that state for yourself.
Choose the world you live in, and strive to operate from it inside yourself even if the world doesn’t match. Then watch what magic might happen.